Wednesday, August 15, 2007

August 14 Session

I partly presided over our City Council session yesterday. Speaker Pro-tempore Councilor Mabel Acosta actually presided our session because Vice Mayor Sara Duterte is OIC at the City Mayor's Office.

Midway in our suspended rules, Acosta asked me to preside to give her time to have her lunch break.

Thus, outside of the vice mayor and pro-temp I was the first member of the Council to preside the session of the 15th Council. I did the same feat in 2001 when I was the first neophyte to preside our session in the 13th Council.

I voted yesterday in favor the 3rd and final reading of Supplemental Budget No. 1; the approval of the Development Permit of RDL Staff Housing Project; and a few items under suspended rules.

Also approved yesterday was my Resolution re opening of the Chinese consulate in the city.

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